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Автор: sveta on . Posted in 2016-1

UDC 659.126:339.138
ROMAT Evgeny,
Doctor Degree in State Management, Professor of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics


Background. The relevance of the question of brand marketing communications is rather high, because the brand management is currently one of the most important tools that affect the value of the company. In its turn the main instruments of formation of brand are marketing communications. Definition of brand marketing communications, the main approaches to the formation of brand marketing strategies make it possible to expand the scientific base for further analysis of the problems of brand management.
Material and methods. The main scientific methods used are: systematic and comparative analysis, induction, deduction, modeling method, epistemological analysis (analytical, synthesis, scientific abstraction, decomposition, logic, comparison). Principle of universal connection and systematic development was also used to form the conclusions of the article.
Results. The concept of "brand communications" brings together the totality of the various brand communications. In terms of volume and frequency of implementation of brand marketing communications constitute the bulk of brand communications. Apart from brand marketing communications, brand communications have vertical and horizontal management relationships in the system of brand management, brand owners communication with competitors and so on.
If we consider branding in terms of marketing, it is one of the types of marketing techniques aimed at brand building and management using marketing tools.
The implementation of the above principles provides certain requirements to existing brand marketing communications, the main of which are: sufficiency; stability; sequence; focus on the specific target audience and specific purposes achieved by communicator; ability to attract; ability to influence purchasing behavior; need for high payback and more.
Conclusion. The system of brand marketing communications is the totality of communications generated by brand managers with different audiences, which aim is to achieve brand marketing objectives through the implementation of specific marketing tools. Brand marketing communications are elements of simultaneously two interrelated systems: brand communications and marketing communications. The role and place of each of the tools of marketing communication in the formation and development of the brand are defined by specific goals of brand management, brand development strategies, communication strategy and creative strategy of the company - owner of the brand.
Keywords: communications, marketing communications, brand marketing communications, brand marketing strategies.