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Автор: sveta on . Posted in 2018_01(25)

DM, Professor, Head of the Commodity Science,
Expertise and Trading Business Department
of Vinnytsia Institute of Trade and Economics
of Kiev National University of Trade and Economics
VLASENKO Volodymyr,
Doctor of Biology, Professor at the Tourism
and Hospitality Department of Trade and Economics Institute
of Kiev National University of Trade and Economics


Background. Milk and dairy products traditionally occupy a significant place in the diet of the population of Ukraine. A prerequisite for the full supply of milk and dairy products to the population is the successful development of the dairy market. In turn, it depends on many factors, such as the quality of milk-raw materials, the adherence to the necessary conditions of production, the effective functioning of market infrastructure and the provision of the population with cash. Unfortunately, indicators of milk production are decreasing annually, which is characteristic even for Vinnytsya, which is the leader of this industry in the state. The importance of raising the problems of the dairy industry in Ukraine, assessing the state of production and consumption of milk and dairy products, prospects for the industry are topical issues.
The aim of the work is to study the state of milk production and consumption in Ukraine and in particular in the Vinnytsia region in order to identify its features and problems at the present stage and identify the main tasks for the future.
Material and methods. General scientific methods of knowledge of economic processes were applied: analysis, synthesis, abstraction, deduction, monographic, as well as special methods of research – abstract-logical, statistical and calculation-constructive, and balance one.
Results. On the basis of the analysis, comparison and generalization of the data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, a number of trends in the milk and dairy products market were revealed. The state of Ukraine's food security is shown on the scale of the global index. The analysis of milk production by categories of farms indicates a large share of households and small farms. The rates of growth of prices for milk and dairy products in recent years have been analyzed. The emphasis is on the need to address the main problems of the industry.
Conclusion. The quantity and quality of dairy raw materials produced today in Ukraine and in the Vinnytsia region do not meet the requirements of the market. The main reasons for this are the small-scale production of milk, its concentration mainly in households.
The main risks of the development of the dairy industry of Ukraine in modern conditions are related to insufficient quality of products.
For the successful development of the dairy market for milk and dairy products, it is necessary to take certain measures: to obtain ecologically pure raw milk materials, implementation of the system of control and quality and safety management of milk during the whole production and processing stage, standardization and certification of milk products and adaptation to world requirements related to milk production, raw materials, equipment, etc.

Keywords: milk and dairy products, milk production, milk processing enterprises, milk consumption.